Wednesday, July 9, 2008

She's still looking for a home....

An update on Dak....
We've had her for almost two weeks now. We took her to the Vet last Monday to get her spayed. As it turns out, she was so neglected, that her eyes were almost completely swollen shut due to an eye infection. Her corneas were completely covered in ulcers and the bottoms of her eyelids had begun to turn under and began to grow into her eyes (from squinting for so long). A $12 antibiotic eye cream is all it would have taken to clear the infection and to save her from what the Vet described as probably at least a year of suffering and would have ultimately resulted in total blindness. So now, she's had the antibiotics, and while she was "under" from the spay surgery, they took a small portion of her lower eyelid out. Today, two weeks later, her eyes are wide open and she's probably seeing the world for the first time in a long time.

She has an exceptional temperament and really needs an exceptional home. She mostly just wants attention and to be near people. She was carefree when it came to our cats, or the geese, or even the other dogs. We're still looking for the right place for her. Please help us pass the word.



Anonymous said...

I think she's yours now. Just welcome her into the family. If the three people who read this blog haven't stepped up yet they aren't going to. You both have a lot of love to give so I am sure she will be happy at the Institute.

Dr. Detroit

Listonian Institute said...

Dr D. Thank you for your kind words.
How about YOU step up and take her? Does you mom need a dog?

Thanks for nothing...

Urban Acheiver said...

If I lived in a house in the country instead of a downtown condo on the west coast, I would take her. Dr. D. is right, need a bigger audience than this. Go around town to shelters and vet offices...most of them have a bulletin board where you can put something up about her. That would be a good start.