Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Apologies Ladies and Gentlemen

Hello folks, I know it has been quite a while since our last update, and I do apologize for being so lame.
Today finds us in the evening of Saturday July 19, 2008, hope everyone is well. Not much new to report other than alot going on that prevents the LI from posting.

The weedeater and the chain saw both have the pull start cords not retracting, so if anyone knows how to wind them back up, please leave detailed instructions in the comments section, it would be much appreciated.

It rained today.


Anonymous said...

my apologies for stating the obvious, but the pull cords on your tools (all pull started tools) are spring retracted--most likely with a coil spring. typically the spring should have two attachment points, one on the "housing" (or other fixed, non-moving reference) and another on the spool. these attachment points can be as simple as a post or slot that the end of the spring can mate with. before you start your tool, the spring is at rest. as you pull, the spring is tensioned (the "fixed" end stays put while the spool end moves--thats how it gets sprung). as you release, the spring moves back toward its state of rest, winding the pull cord with it.
so what does all of this mean for you? you're going to have to take the tools apart and see what is going on. i can envision 3 possible problems; broken spring; broken attachment points; nothing is broken, but the spring has jumped off its attachment points. the good news for you is that it should be very simple and intuitive. so get in there, diagnose the problem, fool around with the fix and get her done. should this be too much, there is a chance that you could get your hand on a schematic diagram if you have the model#. its not rocket science; you'll find no rube goldberg device--you can do it. (as an afterthought colin, you've been in my thoughts daily this past week. give me a call at your leisure. as always, my love and admiration for you friend.)

Anonymous said...

one more thing! the whole point of the pull mechanism is to turn the flywheel, which is attached to the crankshaft. the spool engages the flywheel only when you pull the cord (otherwise as the spool retracted, the flywheel would "retract" with it and motors don't work that way--they only spin in one direction). so there will also be something in there that causes the spool to engage/disengage as intended. you'll need to pay attention to this too. finally, as the mechanism is a spring loaded system, take care when you pull the cover off, lest the whole thing becomes unsprung instantly, spraying parts all over your work space. that might complicate things a bit. good luck!

Anonymous said...

I think that's Mr. Frick commenting anonymously. His ready grasp of the inner workings of esoteric machinery is what clued me in. He tried to fool us by not littering his comments with his usual littany of put-downs and homophobic jibes. You can't fool me though.
Dr. D

Anonymous said...

mr frick doesn't post any longer. he has been blacklisted by the institute.

Anonymous said...

He's outwitted your ciphers. Bypassed your protocols. Cracked your codes. Burned down your firewalls. Code red!

Dr. D

Listonian Institute said...

Thank you anonymous, your knowledge and help is much appreciated.

Contrary to popular beliefs, Mr Frick has NOT been blacklisted.

And I agree with Dr.D, it has to be Mr Frick, who else could it be?
Thanks again folks!

Anonymous said...

all right dingleberries--you asked for it, you got it!

1. all of my posts were removed from this blog--as if any of my retarded screeds were so DANGEROUS that their mere presence constituted some grave existential threat.

2. i tried to post immediately after the purge and what do i find? all of my posts would have to be approved by the blog administrator prior to their release. i'd sooner fuck a jellyfish than submit to that bullshit!

3. i'd be happy to post again, if intellectual freedom was restored and the heavy hand of censorship was put back in your pants.

4. so if that ain't blacklistin', color me overly sensitive. an apology would be nice too.

til next time, mr anonymous

Anonymous said...

Can you please blacklist him again?

Listonian Institute said...

There will be no apology.

You were being an ass.

The comments are no longer being deleted, as previously discussed.

Thank you again anonymous for the tips on pull started tools.


mr frick said...

i'm not an ass. you're an ass.

Listonian Institute said...

Yes, sometimes you are a