Tuesday, June 10, 2008

About the family.....

This is dad "Gracie". When we got him, he was supposed to be a girl Toulouse, but grew up to be a boy Chinese. He's very loud - true to the breed. He guides the crew everywhere and has been known to give credit to the term "goose". I haven't seen him sleep since the babies were born. He was standing here next to the pool and his legs were wobbling as he fought off the sleep he obviously needs. This little baby seems to usually be by his side.

They're much fluffier today - almost little round balls when they float around. No problems in the water - they lob right off the side of the pool into the water, and pop up like little bobbers. We had to put a brick on the first step so that they can get out. It's got to be twice as high as they are, but no problems, they jump right up.

The older geese "roll around" in the water to get their whole bodies wet. The picture above is one of the little ones doing the same - instinct is an amazing thing.....

This is mom - Professor S. Goose. You can see in this picture that she's missing her left wing. When she was a baby, it was bitten off by an alligator. She had a rough few months at the beginning. The two other geese we have bully her because of it, so having her own babies makes the experience that much more special. They adore her which is a sweet, sweet thing.


Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you, thank you---the pictures are fabulous!

osama bin colin said...


i hereby declare jihad on my own blog. my imperialist, capitalistic blog will wither on the vine alongside all western institutions, as i, OSAMA BIN COLIN, plot my blog's destruction. and while it is relatively easy to advance a jihadist agenda against an institution (get the pun?) of my own creation, it is equally easy to wage jihad against all who post on this blog, which i swear by Mohammed's beard i will do. (this may be an empty threat, as no one seems to care enough to post.) at any rate, see you with allah, bitches. sincerely, OSAMA BIN COLIN

colin liston, homosexual said...

i for one am unafraid of you terrorist sons-a-bitches. you'll never intimidate me into silence! (hopefully my recalcitrance won't be seen as an attempt to gain the attention of a bunch of hairy, cave-dwelling men. yum.) we're here, we're queer, get used to it. colin liston, homosexual

Anonymous said...

Jah love

osama bin colin said...

great satan

seeking guidance and having prayed to the virgins of absynnia, my path of jihad is renewed. taking as a cue the grammatical errors of your last post (punctuation mostly) that wouldn't pass muster in even a middle-school english class, i doubt you have the savvy to trace a circle, much less an IP address. so i call your bluff. however, in the spirit of peace that you offer, i will tender this warning: the golf ball your goose is sitting on is actually an IED. please contact homeland security for proper disposal. sincerely, OSAMA BIN COLIN

Anonymous said...

bring on your jihad goose boy...
